Cagnipa Cove
Balogñonan, Pandan, East Catanduanes, Philippines
103 Kilometers | 3 Hours 30 Minutes
If someone is the kind of person who just want to stroll barefooted in the sand, Cagnipa Beach is best for them as it can be reached by motorbike or by boat. Situated just about 9 kilometers from the town center, Cagnipa beach in Barangay Balognonan is haven for its azure, clear, crystalline waters and powdery gold sandy shoreline. The beach also is known for its rich marine biodiversity. Various marine species are abundant on the island, with many different species of crustaceans and mollusks. One can enjoy boating, skim boarding, swimming and snorkeling all day. This beach is semi-secluded and great for spending the day just relaxing and strolling and is perfect for those seeking adventure by embarking on an overnight camping trip along the beach. Small shells can also be seen on its shore which has a glossy appearance suitable to be made into island keepsakes and ornaments. Best of all, everyone can enjoy the beach for free and enjoy the sun, sand and water.
Photo and Article Provided by: Crake Dominguez (Pandan Tourism Officer)
Activities & Sceneries
- Swimming
- Skimboarding
- Snorkeling
- Hiking
- Camping
- Overnight Camping
- Relaxing
- Picnic
- Take Pictures
- Beach
- Hill
- Rock Formation
- Grassland
Entrance Fee