Magnesia del Sur Beach
Magnesia del Sur, Virac, West Catanduanes, Philippines
16 Kilometers | 0 Hour 30 Minutes
It has fine-sands and has big waves. Magnesia del Sur is home to the Well-Known Kuripdas Surfing Spot and Fishing Lagoon where you can bring your Surfboard and have fun with the swell and go fishing.
Magnesia del sur has big waves and ideal for surfing. Watch out for the weather especially when the wind is coming from the western part of the country. Bring your own foods as there aren’t many stores in the vicinity.
Magnesia del Sur Beach lies on the western part of Catanduanes and is an under-developed beach which is more likely being visited by most tourists.
Activities & Sceneries
- Swimming
- Surfing
- Snorkeling
- Camping
- Picnic
- Take Pictures
- Beach
Entrance Fee